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Competition Time - Win a Raspberry Pi with ChEMBL - chempi

Here's a free to enter competition for a brand new, fully working raspberry pi running the brand new chempi implementation. It includes everything you need to get started at home with ChEMBL - a sort of in silico Breaking Bad maybe (hopefully not, thinking about it). It includes everything you need, with the exception of a power supply and ethernet cable.

We have run out of our creative juices, and cannot think of a suitable poem to mark the release of chempi - so the competition is for you to finish a limerick for us, starting with the line.

There once was a hacker with chempi....

Entries must be posted in the comments section. Obscene or defamatory entries will be removed (all comments are moderated, so it may take a few hours for you entry to appear, so do not repost twenty times!). We haven't really decided how to pronounce chempi (with a hard 'k' start or a soft 'sh' start, just as with ChEMBL, both are used in the wild; and also does it rhyme with scampi, or the irrational number pi?). All entries will be assumed to be made under CC-BY licensing. The competition will be open until noon GMT on Sunday 10th November 2013.

Entires will be judged for compliance to a standard limerick format, outrageous rhymes with chempi, gratuitous chemistry references, and finally humour.

The judges decision (i.e. mine) is final. The winning entry will be published on the ChEMBL-og.


PS Before I get asked, the competition is not open to members of the ChEMBL group, or extended family members of the ChEMBL group.


mersenne prime said…
Australian Masterchef's Mat, George and Gary,
Set a Mystery Box Challenge so Scary,
Nervous John setout to make a Scampi,
But cooked Raspberry with Chembl to make a Chempi!
mersenne prime said…
The fearsome boss of the Chemistery Secrecy Cartel,

Picked up a book by one Yann Martel,

But....he could not see, what excited his idol Ang lee!

He'd rather deposit all proprietary structures in ChemPi,
Than endure the Life of Sigh!
Chris said…
There once was a hacker with chempi
Put his head in his hands with a sigh
Typos when searching for trap abel
Elicited the command DROP TABLE
Autocorrect strikes again sempa fi.
mersenne prime said…
There once was a hacker with chempi
Whom Linus Torvalds called a code junkie,

hacker went bananas and was the only one interviewed by the Beeb,

Other chempi hackers wore smiles, but their misery was very deep.
Przemoc said…
There once was a hacker with chempi
- unit that became his dear ally.
Everything is chemistry,
knowing it gives ecstasy.
Out of happiness he had to cry.
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There once was a hacker with chempi
the hacker collect all structure and make medicinal chemistry sky,
in this sky the medicinal chemistry scientist started to fly,
suddenly the value of chempi reached very high,
the hacker get buy along with its sky of course by chempi...

the hacker get buy along with its sky of course by chempi...
why this guy offered by chempi?, because he dedicatedly focused on bull's eye,
the guy make inspirational story for each hacker boy,
the moral of story is to never cry only try,
There once was a hacker with chempi
Unknown said…
There once was a hacker with chempi,
Who wanted to canonicalize a .smi,
He didn't know what he was doing,
While a big storm was brewing,
In the end he gave up and used KNIME!
There once was a hacker with chempi....
He decided to buy Raspberry Pi,
When he checked his pocket he had no money,
But luckily he found competition like honey,
Then he made tagline for competition "Fly with friendly chempi and win a Raspberry Pi"
Noel O'Boyle said…
My postmodern entry:

There once was a hacker with chempi,
Who wanted to win one more from J.P.,
So he came up with a rhyme,
And got to the fourth line,
But could not think of how to end me.
Unknown said…
There once was a hacker with chempi
Her mates replied, "no, you can't tempt me"
So she built a great site
Getting hits day and night
Pretty soon the AAAs will be empty.
Who is a winner of this competition?
jpo said…
The winner is Lewis Viddler - well done!! Please get in touch with an address to switch your prize to.


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