As many of you know, SureChEMBL taps into the wealth of knowledge hidden in the patent documents. More specifically, SureChEMBL extracts and indexes chemistry from the full-text patent corpus (EPO, WIPO and USPTO; JPO titles and abstracts only) by means of automated text- and image-mining, on a daily basis. We have recently hosted a webinar about it which turned out to be very popular - for those who missed it, the video and slides are here . Besides the interface, SureChEMBL compound data can be accessed in various ways, such as UniChem and PubChem . The full compound dump is also available as a flat file download from our ftp server . Since the release of the SureChEMBL interface last September, we have received numerous requests for a way to access compound and patent data in a batch way. Typical use-cases would include retrieving all compounds for a list of patent IDs, or vice versa , retrieving all patents where one or more compounds have been extracted from. As a
The Organization of Drug Discovery Data
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