Evolution of targets over time While ChEMBL was first released in 2009, the data on which it is built originate from publications extending back to 1975. Despite relatively sparse coverage from the early years in comparison to now, it is interesting to see how the publically available data for targets has grown over time. This interactive plot aims to present key data for each of ChEMBL’s targets over the years, in a style inspired by the late Hans Rosling’s TED talk on global development (if you haven't already seen it, I recommend that you watch it now!) As shown above, dragging the slider at the bottom of the plot updates the year to reflect the data available up until that point. The following values are shown: Y-axis: The cumulative sum of compounds with a pChEMBL value for the target X-axis: The maximum pChEMBL value or LLE (depending on radio button selection) achieved to date for target Point Size: The maximum phase ac
The Organization of Drug Discovery Data
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