Some of the best books on the history of drug discovery have been written by Walter Sneader of University of Strathclyde. Recently I came across a copy The Evolution of Modern Medicine for only $1 in the excellent Strand Books on Broadway, NYC. Of particular interest is the phylogeny of key drug series.
Here are the references in the old-school refer format.
%D 1985 %A Walter Sneader %B The Evolution of Modern Medicines %I John Wiley & Sons %O ISBN 978-0471904717 %D 1986 %A Walter Sneader %B Drug Development: From Laboratory to Clinic %A John Wiley & Sons %O ISBN 471-91116X %D 1996 %A Walter Sneader %B Drug Prototypes And Their Exploitation %I John Wiley & Sons %O ISBN 978-0471948476 %D 2005 %A Walter Sneader %B Drug Discovery: A History %I WileyBlackwell %O ISBN 978-0471899808