Use your well-deserved Christmas holidays to spend time with your loved ones and explore the new release of ChEMBL 35! This fresh release comes with a wealth of new data sets and some new data sources as well. Examples include a total of 14 datasets deposited by by the ASAP ( AI-driven Structure-enabled Antiviral Platform) project, a new NTD data se t by Aberystwyth University on anti-schistosome activity, nine new chemical probe data sets, and seven new data sets for the Chemogenomic library of the EUbOPEN project. We also inlcuded a few new fields that do impr ove the provenance and FAIRness of the data we host in ChEMBL: 1) A CONTACT field has been added to the DOCs table which should contain a contact profile of someone willing to be contacted about details of the dataset (ideally an ORCID ID; up to 3 contacts can be provided). 2) In an effort to provide more detailed information about the source of a deposited dat...
The Organization of Drug Discovery Data
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You could also think of using descriptors that rely on a PCA analysis of the input data you are providing (actually I could help you with some of these, although in the form of a PP component).
We are mostly interested in bulk sequence properties at the moment (so fractional composition, hydrophobicity, features, etc), so a descriptor that gives a number for an input sequence.
There are loads of other stuff that would be cool to add, antigenicity, secondary structure prediction fractions, etc.
The sort of license issues are related to use of services which are freely available for academics, but there are some restrictions for "commercial use" - for example TMHMM where there is a download version of the software for academic institutes to use. I would guess that this license doesn't really cover the setup of a derivative service, allowing access over web services. This is just one example, not highlighted for any particular reason; but we would need to get permission from a fair number of software providers.
If we do set it up we want two things 1) freely accessible to all without restriction by user type and 2) compliant with the software licenses and wishes of the original authors.
the webserver is located here:
However I cannot tell you anything about the performance of this particular descriptor, might serve as a benchmark to your own solution?