We worry about data security and privacy, a lot. I fret and
sweat over this, and it is one of the things (alongside being late with EU
reports) that genuinely keeps me awake at night, and that you can never know
too much about (again a bit like the EU). We have started to collect examples of security and data
privacy issues and vulnerabilities in
online chemistry-related resources. Firstly, to build a set of real world examples,
and to establish best practice for our own developers. It also allows us to
potentially create an environment in which security and privacy matters can be
privately discussed without the world being unnecessarily alerted to them;
allowing fixes to be made, and generally keep the online chemistry world a
better safer place.
As would be expected for this sort of thing, the list will
not be open, and not indexed in google (if it is right now, we’ve failed at step one!),
so if you’re interested in joining the list, and your job involves the building/maintenance
of online chemistry systems with a security/privacy responsibility, get in
touch in the normal way.….