Unichem is a simple database and web service for the InChI-based linkage of chemical structures across various resources. It was initially developed under the EU-OPENSCREEN ESFRI as an approach to link screening data from the planned screening collection to other chemistry resources. The development was then extended under the BioMedBridges project - which spans across various Biomedical Sciences (BMS) ESFRIs (such as ELIXIR, BBMRI, etc.)
It's proved to be remarkably useful to us as well, and will be the future home of regularly updated feeds of compound structures from SureChEMBL - and will allow rapid novelty checking of patent structure novelty, across component datasources. A side-effect of this, is of course, that immediately the compounds in any of the BioMedBridge partner ESFRIs immediately have patent data integration. For us, this synergy, and snowball effect of binding resources together using simple open standards is one of the great joys of our work!
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