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Showing posts from March, 2017

Finding Compounds in Databases using UniChem

Have you ever identified an interesting compound and wondered what else is known about it?   For example is there any bioactivity data on it in ChEMBL or PubChem?   Is there any toxicity data on it (CompTox)?   Then having found interesting data on a compound wondered if it can be purchased or whether it has been patented.   All this can be done using UniChem.   Interested?    Come along to our webinar on 29th March at 2pm BST  (3pm CEST, 9am EDT) You will however need to register by emailing chembl-help . Places are limited so please let us know as soon as possible if you register but are then unable to attend. If you want to know more about UniChem please read on. UniChem (  is a simple system we have developed to cross-reference compounds across databases both internal to EMBL-EBI and externally. Currently we have cross-references to 140 million compounds in 30 different databases. Information about t...

Chemogenomics Analyst Wanted

We are looking to recruit a scientist to support our work for the Horizon 2020 project “ Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services ” (CORBEL). The role is to facilitate scientists in their use of chemogenomics resources by enabling database searching and evaluation of data. To be responsible for liaising with scientists engaged in CORBEL and advising on the use of chemogenomics resources to progress their projects; To help in the identification and analysis of bioactivity data from multiple database resources; To construct and utilize appropriate workflows to facilitate the pharmacological profiling of molecules and chemotypes, the identification of potential off-target effects and the development of target prediction models; To identify interoperability gaps between resources and help with developing solutions; To organize and run appropriate training courses for scientists engaged in the CORBEL project;  For full details of the posit...