We are pleased to announce that we have a beta version of a new ChEMBL interface that we would like you to try out. It can be found here
You can also filter of results to see just the subset of data you are interested in using a number of different filtering options.
However, the new interface still retains some of the old features such as compound and target report cards. More details on the new features can be found here and we have also updated our FAQs. But most of all we hope it is intuitive to use.
It will replace the old interface soon but before we retire the old one we would like some feedback on the new one. We will continue to evolve it over the coming months so if you would like us to consider other features or enhancements please let us know and we will try to accommodate as many suggestions as possible. Likewise if you spot anything you think isn’t working properly please let us know. There are several ways you can make suggestions or report errors and they are described here.
We look forward to hearing your views.
The ChEMBL Team