In 2019 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first public release of the ChEMBL database. To recognise this important landmark we are organising a one-day symposium to celebrate the work achieved by ChEMBL during its first ten years, and look forward to its future.
The symposium will be held on Tuesday 8th October in the Francis Crick Auditorium on the Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. A series of talks from invited speakers will be followed by a celebratory birthday cake and drinks reception. During the breaks, the poster session will be a great opportunity to catch up with other users of the ChEMBL database and chat to colleagues, co-workers and others to find how more about how the database is being used.
For the programme of invited talks, and more information on how to register, see
Use your well-deserved Christmas holidays to spend time with your loved ones and explore the new release of ChEMBL 35! This fresh release comes with a wealth of new data sets and some new data sources as well. Examples include a total of 14 datasets deposited by by the ASAP ( AI-driven Structure-enabled Antiviral Platform) project, a new NTD data se t by Aberystwyth University on anti-schistosome activity, nine new chemical probe data sets, and seven new data sets for the Chemogenomic library of the EUbOPEN project. We also inlcuded a few new fields that do impr ove the provenance and FAIRness of the data we host in ChEMBL: 1) A CONTACT field has been added to the DOCs table which should contain a contact profile of someone willing to be contacted about details of the dataset (ideally an ORCID ID; up to 3 contacts can be provided). 2) In an effort to provide more detailed information about the source of a deposited dat...