Here at ChEMBL, we are often contacted by users who are interested in purchasing some of the compounds that we store in our databases. However, our compounds are curated directly from the literature and we do not have access to physical samples. To enable our users to find supplier information for the compounds, we have now added direct links from ChEMBL to ChemSpider. ChemSpider is a resource containing millions of chemical structures, with associated property information. This property information also includes supplier information, where available. You can connect to ChemSpider via our Compound Report Card, under "Database Links" and by clicking on the Standard InchiKey hyperlink you will be taken directly to the same compound in ChemSpider. You can also connect directly to ChEMBLdb via ChemSpider using the hyperlink found under their "Biological Data" tab.
Dear SureChEMBL users, If you frequently rely on our "chemistry search" feature, today brings great news! We’ve recently implemented a major update that makes your search experience faster than ever. What's New? Last week, we upgraded our structure search engine by aligning it with the core code base used in ChEMBL . This update allows SureChEMBL to leverage our FPSim2 Python package , returning results in approximately one second. The similarity search relies on 256-bit RDKit -calculated ECFP4 fingerprints, and a single instance requires approximately 1 GB of RAM to run. SureChEMBL’s FPSim2 file is not currently available for download, but we are considering generating it periodicaly and have created it once for you to try in Google Colab ! For substructure searches, we now also use an RDKit -based solution via SubstructLibrary , which returns results several times faster than our previous implementation. Additionally, structure search results are now sorted by...