We've added a cumulative list of the ChEMBL-og drug monographs to the ChEMBL web interface. As new drugs, more specifically new molecular entities (NMES)) are approved (currently in the US) we write a short, consistent monograph on each approval. Coverage is from 2009 onwards. These typically appear a few days after the approval. We also provide a set of assignments (Rule of Five, Chiral, Black Box Warnings, etc.) for each drug. Some of these assignments are subjective, for example assigning a drug as natural product-derived is sometimes challenging.
We try to keep these current, so there will be inconsistency between the views through the ChEMBL interface and on this page, but this is currently inevitable in our versioned release of ChEMBL.
Any feedback on the view, data, etc. would be gratefully received.
We try to keep these current, so there will be inconsistency between the views through the ChEMBL interface and on this page, but this is currently inevitable in our versioned release of ChEMBL.
Any feedback on the view, data, etc. would be gratefully received.